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Bridge Over Troubled Water

Updated: Jul 12, 2022

I went to WPI's ensemble concert today to watch the orchestra, but I got the times wrong, so I was 1 1/2 hours early. The choir was 30 minutes into their performance, so I decided to stick around. I was so glad I did though.

Surrounded by only the darkness, the tall walls, and the music, I heard a song that resonated with me. "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" by Simon & Garfunkel and Aretha Franklin echoed throughout the painted hall, and it was as if I got a reply to yesterday's blog post. Even if I misinterpreted the lyrics, having that analogy parallel with the rippling water was affirming. I thought of it as no matter what happens, it's better to be a bridge over the water to allow things to pass by. To let the troubled water calm. Just as I wrote.

The waves of music had me in shivers, and the entwinement of harmonies had me mesmerized in their performance. I was totally encompassed, and it had me enthralled for the next 3 1/2 hours as I listened to each piece, both from the choir and the orchestra.

I knew that I would enjoy the concert, but having heard that song specifically boosted my mood, and I'm sure that this high will last the rest of the term.


If you'd like to watch the performances, go to the link below!

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